Looking at the title of this post very well, you’d realize a question mark (?) which means it’s more like a question. However, the interesting thing is, it’s not really a question.
It’s a review of the camera 360 app on blackberry 10 phones like Q5, Q10, Z10, Z3, Z10 and Blackberry classic (Z20).
Let’s simply call it, a quick review. Looking further, you’d realize there’s no complexity.
Camera 360 app, as we probably know, is one of the best camera app for android phones and devices. I use this app on my innjoo note in taking most of the selfies and I just got to admit, it rocks.
Blackberry 10 phones on the other hand, it isn’t new that android apps can be installed and launched on the bb10 phone without having to sideload the app or pass through any long process. We’ve often mentioned that. Yes, I know.
Now, let’s focus on the main subject of this post.
Can I Download, Install and Use Camera 360 app on Blackberry 10 phones?
The simple response to this question is YES! Yes, you can download, install and use the camera360 app on blackberry 10 phones like the Q10, Q5, Z20, Z10, and other bb10 devices.
Why this is interesting to know, perhaps I should let you in on something. I just got to admit that the app makes no sense of these devices.
What I mean is, yes you can launch the app on the blackberry 10 phone but the experience isn’t good.
As a matter of fact, pictures tend to be automatically set sideways. Obviously, there’s a guide on the app which promises to help you in setting this properly but it refuses to be centered properly.
Snapping pictures using the inbuilt camera even seem to be better than using the app but in the case of an android phone, it rocks!
Having said all these, my advice would be that you shouldn’t bother downloading or installing the camera 360 app.
Just stick to the inbuilt camera app which apparently, is cool if you know how to adjust it correctly. If however, you still want to try an external app, you are free to.
We’d be more than happy to get your feedback using the comment session.
Pls am trying to use selfie stick, it not going
Hi Stella, i realized most selfie sticks doesn’t work with Blackberry phones. But they work well with Android and iPhones.
does selfie stick supports for blackberry z3
Hey I bought a selfie stick the problem is that it is not working on my BlackBerry Z3.Please help
londeka, most selfie stick i have come across, tend not to work with Blackberry phones. Guess that explains you are not alone.
Please I need Flash Share on my BlackBerry Z10,please how can u assist me?
Hi,i just bought a selfie. Stick and I can’t download camera 360 on my phone. Pls help me out ASAP. Tanks
Hi,i just bought a selfie. Stick and I can’t download camera 360 on my phone. Pls help me out. Tanks
Hi I bought a selfie stick for my blackberry Z3 but it’s not a bluetooth one and its not working what can I do
Im struggling to install camera 360 in order for me to use my selfiestick….i need your help,im using blackberry z3
I can’t install cam 360..i need it in order for my selfie stick to work….please help I beg u
Hi i’ve got a problem…I juss bought a selfie stick n I can’t download the Camera 360 App on my Blackberry Z3
Hi Steve I’m glad u can help,i hv da can 360 app already bt my Selfie stick stl not working
my blackberry z3 camera is not functioning, the app Un installed on it’s own and is not available even the tab at the base is not responding, I need to re install the original camera soft ware. what do I do? where can I download the original app?
Pls I’ve been trying to download camera 360 on my BlackBerry z30 but it not working pls what should I do?
IVY, please download from the link above…
pls I have been trying to download camera 360 on my BlackBerry z30 but it not working pls what should I do?
Hey,is any body will teach me how I download my inbuit camera app for my blabckberry z10
Av been trying 2 download dis APP bt I dnt get it. Wat will I do?
Julius, please use the instruction above.
Pls how do I lock apps like bbm,whattsapp,text messages, photos and videos on BlackBerry passport?
pls I have been trying to download camera 360 on my BlackBerry z10 but it not working pls what should I do.
Innjoo note pro is not good for videos. while running a movie, it is jerking. this is making low clarity
Sir/ma, I hv been trying dowloadin camera 360 on mi Q10 but all to avail, pls wat can I do to dowload it.
Pls I’ve been trying downloading Camera360 on my BlackBerry Q10 but all to avail,pls wht can I do 2 download it
Thanks for the info, bt I’d like to ask as am taking down some important notice in advance, pls advice me on Q10 and Z10 which shld I go for? Thanx
Personally, I’d prefer the Q10 to the Z10 because of its qwenty keypad amongst other features. I love qwenty keypads compared to torch screens.
Hi Samuel,
Thanks for sharing the article about Download / Use Camera 360 app On BlackBerry 10 Phones Like Q5, Q10, Z10, Z3, Z30? Great point included in the post. I liked it. I hope it will be helped full for every user.