Around late January was when I started using Yahoo/Bing’s own advertising company as a publisher which is registered using Although I have been reading reports and reviews about them hence I decided to try them out.
Sometime late last year, I sent a request and it was declined for reasons I never understood. Well, yes it was sort of difficult to get into yahoo/Bing advertising as a publisher until around late January this year I was accepted after making the second attempt with a welcome message from is awesome because upon being accepted to the company’s network of publishers, a personal account assistant is assigned to you and you can ask questions anytime pertaining to your account.
Around February alone, I crossed the network’s payment threshold, the payout threshold is actually $100 although rumors had it to be $500 which isn’t true.
And around the middle of march, I contacted my account assistant asking why I have not yet received my earnings and he explained to me that I crossed the threshold in February hence payment will be processed by end of march.
Yesterday the 02nd of April, I got an email notification via my email address stating that payment is made to my account and guess what? I got my money right into my USD(foreign) account and it was via wire transfer to my account here in my country.
More Info? Read: How I Opened A GTBank Domiciliary Account
Media.Net Payment Methods
The Network currently has only two methods of payment, PayPal and wire transfer, and since PayPal wasn’t supported in my country nor am I ready to go through the stress of getting a verified PayPal account, I choose wire transfer although I had doubts if payment was really going to be possible since I do not reside in the united states or its environs.
Sincerely I was more than happy I get the money directly into my account which saved me from waiting close to one month or having to be charged any amount from my local bank and I would categorically say now that is a sure alternative to Google Adsense.
Although Google Adsense still stands out as the best in terms of money made and functionality, I think the fact that you can get your earnings paid directly into your domiciliary(Foreign) account gives an edge, am just hoping some day Google Adsense will support payments through wire transfer in my country.
BTW, I am still expecting my Chitika check to get to me here in my country since it was sent around the 29th of march and when that is done, I will write a detailed review as I have done for yahoo/bing contextual network(
Update (02/01/2014)
I got the Chitika payment in 2013 but not via check, instead, I got it via PayPal account and I have written an exclusive review about the AD company which you can read Here.
More so, I am still using and still getting my payments as of the end of January 2014 even though I have been warned of low-quality traffic twice.
Update (2/06/2014)
Is Real Or Scam?
For those asking this question, the advertising medium is real and sure pays publishers. I still get paid to date from and that is why I included the date in the update for clarification.
Hey man, I need help. I don’t have aba number in my county. What should I do? What should I insert instead? Can someone please help me?
Anonymous, you can use your bank sort code in place of ABA.
Samuel, thanks for your fast reply. Is sort code same with sorting code? In my country I found that sorting code is 3 digit number
Yes. You can contact your bank for more clarification though.
Thanks for the great article on I have been using them for a few months now. I just wish you could see more of the metrics like they show on Google AdSense. With the recent buy out of I hope to see additional improvement.
Charlie is a good alternative to adsense. The ppc is pretty good. I started using them on webmasterbabble and so far been making $15.00 a day.
Tried other ad networks after being banned from adsense but was making pennies.
Hmmm… Okay, I guess I’ll give it a go just to see how it turns out.
Have you ever experienced the issue some people are talking about when their earnings drop to zero even though they’re still getting traffic? I’ve read that in numerous reviews.
Laria, when i was using the network, i didn’t quite experience that except for drastic reduction in earnings that i even had to remove their codes.
Yeah thanks for this. Hopefully can get one payout too. 🙂
I had media account in the year of 2013 and i got a notification which asked me resolve my low traffic within 24 hours then i removed the ads and left forever.
Today i thought lets get in see what happens. Still the account is active with an amount of $78. I have requested another blog and see whether i ‘ll get approved or not.
If it was will that amount be added to my new earnings.! My new blog
Best regards
Also my blog Moneyonlinejobs.comRPM had down since last year, so any other good alternative?
Then why is it that it no more on your blog?
I decided to take it off for a while because their RPM had gone down drastically. Hope you understand what that means. is legit and better than Google Adsense. They released the payment for me in the right time and very simple via Bank wire transfer. Thanks I will build strong website and great Website for them. are fraud, a group of layers, when u reached to get paid they will suspend your account with the reason i.e. we are suspending your account due to low traffic, they are all son of bitch. They are suspended my two accounts one by one when I reached to get paid on my site don’t use them they are fucking indians
Sorry you had such experience with them but that hasn’t been my case. I just started using them yesterday because their RPM has been very low for some months now. Sorry again but to me, they are still legit and haven’t suspended for account for over a year i have been using them.
y they dnt reply to my mail ?
They seem to be fond of that. I don’t think i have been in communication with them via email since this year but i have been doing well without been able to reach them.
hi bro i am rahul .can u plz tell me are they real or spam . i having using they ads in my website already my earning is 195$ for this month .. when i mail them they dnt reply me .. can u tell me when ill be paid ..
If you’ve successfully fixed up your correct payment details, you should be getting your payment by the end of January.
I dunno why they never replied my email anymore. While this month I will get my first payment. Please tell me about Wire Transfer method, how long does it take for the money to arrive into your local Bank.
It doesn’t take long. However, it depends on how banking system work in a country. I got the post recent alert on the 1st of December, 2014 of my earnings. You should get yours within this period.
Bro would you please to let me talk to you via Skype or whatever, I need more information about this, please. my earning has reached more than 170 dollar, and I got the problem about ABA number in the wire transfer form. My local Bank dont know anything about ABA number. Please help me more information and let me talk to you.
Hello, you can you your bank sort code in place of the ABA number (I rightly stated this in the post). As regards skype, i barely use skype. However, my username on skype is trueinternetworld
Samuel Adeniyi, I didn’t get any notification about my payment from, it’s already 3rd of December while on November, my earning has reached more than 170 dollar. Btw how do tell us when our earnings will be paid out. Please keep in touch!
Can you please give me the precise date to when you filled in your payment details completely? Because that could have an effect to when you should be paid.
I filled in my payment details completely on 3rd of December.
Ooooooh, in that case, you should be getting your payment by the end of December. If you had filled in your details before the 15th of November, you should have received your payment by now but since you just filled it this month, you have to wait till the end of December. Hope that helps in justifying why you haven’t received your payment?
Ah okay, thank so much Samuel, you gives me a very clear information. anyway I bookmarked your link. Keep in touch, see you in the end of December. Tell me what I can do to help you?
Thanks Bukit, am glad i’ve been able to be of assistance to you. Thank you so much for visiting consistently.
What to do for me? Just be kind enough to invite more active readers to the blog and do share the post to your social networks. That’s all I ask for now :-). Thanks again.
Okay will be done, I will tell my friends and students to visit your website, please send me your keywords, so the traffic will be pure from google.
Hi Samuel
Hi how are you, I am back, bro would you please to tell me when the exactly date the will send the money via wire bank transfer. I really hope there will be no problem.
Bukit Lawang
Lets look at 8 days from now. But based on the fact that there are gonna be holidays, there are chances that there might be a little delay. Just wait till 3rd of January.
Hello there,
Just to ask you that, i completed minimum payment threshold just 10 days ago. So when will they pay me?
You should be paid by November ending Jimmy as long as you have fixed in the right payment details.
Great post, Chase! . I read your article and I like your post It kept connected me all the time.Keep up the good work.
I am sure that the informative you shared through your post is useful for people.
Thanks Dear Admin
You give me another alternative for making making otherwise I was waiting my Adsense account approval so long.
Thanks for such a informative post..
My experience with and my "personal rep" has been horrible. I don't recommend them!!!!! They don't disclose the amount you get paid per click. They don't disclosed how many clicks you get. they only disclose impressions. I started out getting good payouts, then I got 3 days of $0 with no explanation. My rep said that he would look into it – never did and he has gone missing for some reason. They are very quick to ask you for more ads on the site – specially if your site gets a lot of traffic, like mine. Not quick to give explanations as to why they seem to be stealing money from you. I want to add that my rep also told me that I was getting 70-57% of the ad revenue. I asked him to put that in writing – also no response.
Hi Samuel,
It’s unbelievable. I’m having ads on my website for more than a year. But still I dint reach that 100 USD. How did you reach the target within a month? How many page views per month your website is getting? What’s your suggestions to improve my earnings. Really I’m getting very low earnings. (In cents) Please share your ideas to improve my earnings. It may also helpful for other bloggers.
Hello Jebastin, the truth be told, a website success in terms of earnings actually depends on how much traffic the site gets daily or monthly. I got thousands of visitors daily although that’s not enough, it still works for me in attaining my monthly earnings.
Thanks for your reply. Actually I’m also getting 3000 page views daily. Do I have to do anything else to get a good earnings from May I know how much money are you getting per day on average. Please give me some tips.
3000 pageviews daily is pretty okay but then, source of traffic and conversion also counts. If 95% of those 3K daily traffic are from search engines, then you should be earning higher than cents daily but your niche also counts though. First, i presume you re on blogger, blogger stats are not really accurate hence you should use Google Analytics in checking your real stats. Secondly, if 80% of that daily traffic are from mobile visitors, it might not convert well simply because mobile visitors might not get to see the ads. Hope this helps?
Hello Jebastin, First and foremost, i couldn’t find any ads on your blog, instead i find a bunch of others like infolinks etc. More so, i realize your content attracts more visitors from Indian. If am correct then Indian clicks do not convert well. In other to earn pretty okay from these ads, a good number of visitors have to be from US, UK or canada. However, i will still advice you stick to what you know best.
Further more, i will suggest you reduce the ads and scripts on your blog, it could turn visitors off and even my avast antivirus marked the inner page of your blog as harmful.
Hope this helps? Cheers!
R u using both medianet and Google ads on this site. o_O
Yes i am 🙂
Hi Sam,
Am really inspired by your post that you have been paid by here in Nigeria. Don Caprio also mentioned of being paid. I was becoming apprehensive after reading so many reviews of people not getting paid after reaching the payment thresh hold but since u’ve been paid, I would continue till i get paid as well. My question is, must i open a domiciary acct to receive my payment or it can be paid into my local bank acct. Hoping to hear from you soon.
James B Chigozie
Sure you will need a domiciliary account in other to receive your payment because you will be paid in dollars and not in Naira.
pls waiting your reply
Hello Deco, i actually opened mine for free, you can read the full report here:
Thanks for this post. how much do you think i can get a dormicile account for. i am using gtbank
Hey, my site’s been approved by just recently. Is the ad revenure based entirely on impressions, since I could not find anything related to CPC. And they say that minimum payout is 250$.
They do not disclose how much they pay per click but based on my understanding with them, they pay based on impression and clicks. About the minimum pay-out to be $250, did they tell you or you just read it online?
Hello buddy would you please explain me what is that wire transfer method means?is it means that you’ll get your money directly to your bank account without using any third party source like PayPal or payoneer?
Exactly buddy! Except for the fact that the account in which the funds needed to be transferred to must be a dollar account.
Hey congratulations first are in order for getting the payments. I have also put up ads for but reading from many other blogs its said that if your 80% of your traffic is not from US/Canada then be prepared for termination of your account especially before payments are made? Is this true and where do you get most of your traffic from? Another thing is it true that you can only be paid if you make just slightly over 100 dollars a month?
That’s not totally true pal. I do not get up to 80% of my traffic from US and canada tho countries visiting my blog are much. The point is, you should be having a good number of traffic from United states and you are good to go. The payment threshold is $100. Hope this answers your question buddy?
Thanks for the encouragement. I will wait and see how it goes though.I passed the USD 100 threshold sometime back and im interested in a withdrawal of the same. Whats the procedure? Can i do it myself or the account manager is to do it for me?
Just feel in your payment details, you can be paid via paypal or wire transfer. Just be sure to input the correct details and hopefully, you will get your payment when due.
In the post you said, you contacted your acct manager in the middle of march asking abt payment for February, however you mention that you got feb payment on Mar 02.
Yesterday been the 02nd of march 2013, I got an email notification via my email address of my payment been made to my account and guess what? I
Can you pls clarify?
I really do not get your question straight, do you mind elaborating?
Thanks so much for this article. I just applied for a account and was accepted. Hope I will make money with it cos my traffic average 600-700 pageviews daily.
Hello Jonah, Whether or not you will make money using them is something i can’t ascertain although looking from your daily page-views, you need much more than that to start making something good.
Hi, i need a honest guy, who can asnwer me the question, Media.NET is scam or not, there a so many blogs talking about this is bad company. Did you tried this ad network? Did you get paid from this network? Anyone who get paid from this network?
Tung, please take a close look at the ads on my blog, can you see the ads been displayed? Okay, cool. Now look at the publication date for this post, can you see that? Now that’s like how many months back and am still using them. What does that really tell you? The thing is, what works for one person might not work for another but trust me, they are real to me and some other bloggers i know.
Hi, thank for your post, how much can i get for a proxy site which has 1000 unique visitors. Im asking for an esimate. Thanks!
Am sorry Tung, i have no idea because i really don’t do proxies.
Hi, I want to know, pays on per CPC basis, or CPM basis.
Thanks for sharing the article
They pay per impression and per clicks but this won’t be stated in your account, only what will be displayed is Impression, RPM and earnings made.
can we place media net ads below post title.Is it safe?
Yes it is, you can contact your account officer for further clarification tho 🙂
Hello Adeniyi Samuel, hope you are fine! i read your this article, and i want to share my review about, YES this Company is legit and i got my first payment in 1, May 2013, via Wire Transfer with no deduction..
But i need 1 suggestion from Adeniyi Samuel, my account manager is not replying me since 1 May 2013, what should i do if i want to ask something from Thanks!
I do not think made available another options to reaching the team outside your account manager. Try sending him a message again and if no response, then try sending a mail to [email protected] perhaps you could be lucky to get a response.
now im interested in
i also started using network few days ago and hope this network will help me to earn huge amount of money.
My dear friend Adeniyi Samuel ! I also started using in our classified site. Hope it will also work for me.
Are you still receiving payment from…
Hello Hossain, i just looked into your blog’s page and couldn’t find any ads displaying there. Well yes, i still receive from them.
Sorry for late response…
I’m very happy that you’ve visited my little blog! There is no ad. I used on my classified site – for a week. But I’m very sorry to inform you that I’m not lucky with After two days of using, my earning fall down to zero.
Well, Traffic is a necessity buddy. How many pageviews per day does your website receive?
Around 1500 page view per day and 900 unique visitors..
You need to work on your traffic buddy, the higher the traffic, the better.
Good luck on getting paid from I am still waiting to get for April and it is now June 7th!
Thanks, you should hopefully be getting your payment this month ending.
How long after 30 days did you finally get paid?
I stated that in the post sir, you can read through again 🙂
Hey I found your article via Google, I search for “ first payment” 🙂
First of all, being a blogger my self, I have to say your blog is top notch and you deserve all the money you are getting from it 🙂 I hope I can be successful as you one day.
I’m currently trying out too on my blog site.
Hope you see my web site one day, btw I browsed your site alot :).. maybe you can come see mine as-well Mr. Adeniyi Samuel
B. Sharp
Hi Sharp, Thanks for stopping by and i really appreciate it. Visiting your blog asap.
My blog also approved for ads. They sent me invitation after I had follow your steps. Thanks for sharing
The way I read the adsense contract, you cannot display other contextual ads on any pages that adsense is on. Per the agreement: ‘You further agree not to display on any Serviced Page any non-Google content-targeted advertisement(s)…” Yahoo/media net is very much content targeted media or contextual ads since it delegates what your page is about and runs ads related to the topic. You may want to re-read your agreement. You and your readers may be banned for this!
Hello Crystal, based on my understanding to that, it is cool to use other ad networks alongside adsense but they shouldn’t be same i.e there should be a clear different between the ad network and adsense either in structure or any other, hope you understand?
Nice I also like yahoo ads.
congrat nigga, i dey expect my own share ooo….(d one we work together for) *wink*
Lolz did we do any work together? 🙂
Samuel Adeniyi… i got to know your site via, i love what you are doing here.. kip up the good work
Thank you pal. My readers too have been a great contribution to my works here. Thanks for stopping by.
nice post adeneyi this will encourage and help other bloggers in working with media ads because you have confirmed it to be good
thanks for this post
Yes bro. They are real, thanks for stepping by.
Hi Samuel, I like that, I am glad you shared this. Looks like you’re hardworking and that’s good.
Thanks bro. like the popular saying goes: ‘no food for lazy man’
Hi Samuel, sincerely speaking I’m inspired by this article. I’m also a blogger, though most of my income comes from selling product online. To me this online advertising is to slow but your story just motivated me to move on.
There was a time I removed all this contextual advertisement from my site because I’m making cent from it, but with what I’ve just read now, I will go back and put it on my site and now focus on this you just share on your site.
Thanks so much for sharing.
David Okedion.
Its a pleasure pal. Making money via advertising on your blog could be the easiest way you know, i don’t sell info products on my blog so i wouldn’t say much on how good that medium is maybe in the nearest future i would try that out. BTW, thanks for stopping by.
Hmm! now I understand. But better still, it is good to start now just as you have started a long time ago.
Yes but you know how people think na, they are searching for quick money where it does not exist. If you have been following my posts on money making then you should get a head start from there bro.
Bros, please show us the way to male money online just as you have done. I am seriously interested. If you remember, I had once posted a question on online money making some time ago.
Bro. It’s not as easy as you think or people might have made it sound. I have been online since 2010 and it isn’t long I started reaping my investment and I love what I do now and that’s helping people with information and tutorials and I get paid.
Congrantulations man. Ure such a luck man.
Thanks Matthew.