It’s been a while since TechsNG Blog did any giveaways. As a matter of fact, the last time we did such was via our sister blog. Well, this time, it is quite more interesting because we are giving away N20,000 (Twenty thousand Naira) in cash to basically 5 followers of this very blog and we are really excited about this.
Here’s What GiveAway Is all about
Since we are not giving out the cash to just one person, there has to be some sort of competition involved. Right? Okay, Don’t get tensed. It’s very easy and it just requires your engagement with the blog.
The competition is going to last a period of ten (10) days. For these 10 days, readers are expected to get more engaged with the blog content in terms of sharing them to their social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc) as well as giving valuable comments on posts.
The first 3 persons with the highest shares on social networks as well as comments on posts published on TechsNG Blog are the winners. Below is a breakdown of the positions and their cash rewards;
1st Position: N10,000
2nd Position: N5,000
3rd Position: N3,000
It remains N2000 right? The first two bloggers to write about this giveaway on their blogs get N1000 each. Please note that qualified blogs have to be running on custom domains and not free domains. Bloggers writing about this giveaway on their blogs do not necessarily have to wait till the contest is completed before getting their cash rewards. Just send an email to us via the contact form page here and the first two received, gets the specified N1000 each.
Here’s How To Get Started
Please fill out the form below with your correct credentials. For those who may not understand getting the address of their Facebook profile, Twitter handles as well as Google+ profile, navigate to your profile on those accounts and copy out the URL displayed on your browser’s address bar while viewing your profile. For example, the Facebook profile address could be Twitter could be while Google+ could be
[ninja_forms id=5]
Visit as often as you can. Get engaging with posts published on the blog by sharing them on your social network accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc) and posting valuable comments related to the posts published. Meaningless comments like ‘Hello’, ‘Hi’, ‘how are you?’, ‘what’s happening here?’ et cetera will be discarded. More so, please en-devour to use your real names when commenting so that we don’t get confused when collating results.
It’s as easy as that. The Person with the highest comments and shares will emerge as the overall winner of the contest and gets the star prize.
We won’t be including any tracking system for everyone to see just yet and the reason for this is to ignite some suspense in the contest. We believe it’s more fun that way. However, be rest assured we won’t be biased in any way whatsoever.
So what are you waiting for? Start Commenting and Sharing as Many Posts as you can to your Social network profiles, pages, walls, groups, and so on.
Contest Validity Period
This contest runs for 10 days starting from the 23rd of September to the 3rd of October 2015.
The Winners will be announced on this page after collating the results received precisely on the 5th of October, 2015. Hence, please bookmark this page and follow us on our social network profiles so you don’t miss out on any reports.
Update (05/10/2015)
Now, the time has come! First and foremost, We just want to appreciate everyone who participated in the giveaway, everyone who kept visiting TechsNG Blog, and everyone who’s been supporting TechsNG in one way or the other.
Since the inception of the giveaway, we had over 200 people who registered for the giveaway and although not everyone participated, we are quite sure over 50 of the registered users participated in one way or the other. We stated earlier that the giveaway contest will end on the 3rd of October and winners will be updated on the 5th we are keeping to our word.
Our team has collated the results and below are the top 15 commentators in the last 15 days (19th of October to 4th of October).
Based on the picture above, Richard Afon had the highest number of comments during the past 15 days. More so, he did very well in terms of sharing posts here to his Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus accounts. The only slight issue we had with him is regarding his comment. Some of them were more of ‘Nice one’ and the likes.
Coming in second is Obende Oladele Faithful. Judging from the picture above, he did very well as well. He just dropped one in a number of comments compared to what Richard had. He also performed well in terms of sharing the blog post to his social media profiles. The only issue we sorta had is the fact that we couldn’t find his details amongst those who registered.
One of the team made contact with his email address and although he said he registered before commencing with the giveaway, we couldn’t find it in our records. However, considering the fact that he did very well, we won’t shove off his efforts like it means nothing. We will still accord him his rewards this time. However, in further giveaways, we will be making the rules more strict in terms of adherence.
Coming third is Simeon Udoh. He wasn’t just commenting, he was contributing as well to posts he had ideas on and we really appreciate that. He wasn’t the only one that was interactive though, a couple of others were and it’s really a welcome development. Checking through his social media profiles, we realized he did very well in terms of sharing content. However, we still have an issue with him and that’s the fact that he was sharing content too randomly. I mean, he could share just one particular post 10 times in 2 days to his social media accounts which may not seem too good to his social media friends and followers. All in all, we really appreciate the fact that he dedicated his social media account solely to us. Thanks, Simeon!
Other people worthy of note are Ahiwe Philip, Micheal Anthony, Olayinka Joshua, Ayobami, and a whole lot of others. Ahiwe Philip did quite the same thing with Simeon in terms of sharing content. Ayobami was more like the Twitter blaster lol. He could tweet just one post over 20 times which kinda seems somehow. All in all, we appreciate all of you guys. We honestly wish we could reward you all but unfortunately, we are sticking to what we already budgeted here.
Please Note: Moving forward by God’s Grace, we will be giving something to every top commentator every month on this blog. Hence, if you didn’t get something during this contest, you could get something from TechsNG every other month as long as you remain active and interactive with the blog.
We will be contacting Richard, Obende, and Simeon ASAP to get their account details so we could fulfill our own side of the promise. We will also be updating this post with screenshots to validate the fact that we stick to our words here.
Update (06/10/2015)
Below are the screenshots to validate that rewards were transferred to winners as promised. The basic reason why we are posting screenshots is to prove that we usually stick to our words here.
Thank you, everyone. We really do appreciate you.
I’ve received an alert from techsng com. Thanks to the facilitators of the blog.. I should have posted this earlier but I was having some issues with my phone. #I’m 5k richer thanks to
I will like to say a bog thank you to received an alert of 5k..I’m very grateful becos even in my shortcomings I was commended and pardoned.I can’t count the number of timesI was called by concerning this giveaway issue..Am indeed very grateful
If it is about spamming many were guilty of that. Commentingonce for 10 days gives 10 comments and wehad up to 57. Comments for one person. Spamming is when youcomment rubbish not related to the post. Am not saying they dont deserve to win they do deserve it but many people would feel bad after all the hardwork and its not by starting late but how much you contributed to it.
@Joshua Ndaman, Bro Sorry You didn’t win. But I think Splitting the comments would be considered as spamming which is not generally advisable. On the other hand, Sharing Too Much is also spamming, One I am also guilty of. Considering the fact that You started late, I think that really hindered Your chances of winning. Well I’m glad with the way things turned out though
Congrats to the winners. But if it was highest comments i just would have splittedmy comments to many. Sharing and sharing made other people aware of both the competition and also come to read more on this blog. Well i just wanted to give it a try.
Thanks @Simeon and Richard for being worthy competitors. To,awl like to say a bring thank you for this platform..It has been a nice time on the blog these past days and we promise to keep the atmosphere like this..#Techsng.comalltheway
I Just got An alert Few minutes ago & I want to confirm that I’ve successfully Received my prize. On this note, I’ll Like to say a Big Thank You to TechsNG
I have received winner prize of #10,000 naira, thanks to techsng and sir samuel adeniyi. TechsNG fans i wish u guys best luck. Thanks again.
@simeon thanks, i wish u best luck too broda.
MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS To Richard & Faithful. You guys Rock! Had a nice experience competing alongside both of You. Thanks For the experience.
Thanks TECHSNG i will forever appreciating this blog, and congrats to other’s winners.
Thanks TECHSNG i will forever appreciating this blog, and congrats to other winners.
Thanks So much. I appreciate.
Congrats to the winners! Better luck next time sha
I would win I know
same here…we are winners bro!
Hoping to be a Winner…
This is nice
done wish to win
wow, this is great, looking forward to winning
08171696857… call me
Am good to be here nice to know you.
I am in already. I am following on facebook as Olayinka Joshua Ndaman, On twitter as @yinksy09 and on google plus as Ndaman Joshua.God help me win.
Nice initiative, i never thought I’d be seeing a giveaway on these blogs anytime soon.
Kudos to you, i hope i win
Meh..same tin here buh really m. Blown off by dis.. Can’t really believe naija site d do dis at such non stressful challenge.. Wow wow
my guy, opportunity comes but once oooo
how do i know if my details have been submited…it displays the same page after clicking submit
Nice an d I we try my best to be participating in d context and win
Nice an d I we try my best to win
@Samuel am i to always fill the form above each time i visit the site? I av only filled in my details once ooooo
@ Ayobami Hello, Can I know which browser you’re Using? By the way. There’s are Facebook, Twitter and Google + Buttons Underneath each post. Remember to submit Your Facebook, Twitter and Google + details in this giveaway post
okay, thanks alot now i can see d share and like buttons on d page. i av submitted once, am i to do dat repeatedly as well?
how do i share d posts, no share button on d page
Noted bro looking forward to winning
Thanks for this opportunity techsng Rock!
Hope to win.
Wow! I’ve been a fan for a while. I hope to win
Im in
Ok Noted! It’s a welcomed development!
This is a very good way of rewarding your ardent readers and followers of your blog. I pray I win….#Let the contest begin..hehehe
nice one…
Thanks for the opportunity to win, will gladly participate
Thanks for the opportunity to win.. Will gladly participate
will try my possible best..
techsng things
hehehe, this is Cool, there are many people that would wanna Get this, let them quickly go sign up for those Social profiles Asap 🙂
Nice one Samuel or should I say Techsng? I pray make I win this money o.