“Samuel, Please how do i add a new domain to my existing web-hosting account?‘
That was a question a friend asked me while having a chat with me via whatsapp messenger last night and i told him i was going to write on it today on this blog for easier understanding.
Besides, I’d like to use the opportunity to aid those who could be wondering how they could add a new or existing domain to their web hosting account too.
Do you happen to be among those who wish to understand how this is done? Then let’s do this together as i will try to be as detailed as possible. That way, you wouldn’t feel lost or anything of sort.
Steps To Adding A Domain To Your Hosting Account
Please keep in mind that before this step can be achieved, you need to have certain things in place:
1. A Hosting Account that accepts more than one add-on domain
2. A Hosting Account that has got a control panel
3. Access to your hosting account control panel
Read: How To Access Your Blog/Website Control Panel
4. Access to your domain name account settings
Have you got all these intact? Alright, let’s go on.
Steps To Follow
- Access your hosting control panel and log in to your control panel dashboard.
- Scroll down, navigate to domains, and choose Add-On Domains
- Next, you will need to type in the new domain name you want to add to your hosting account. For example, hubsidy.com. The sub-domain/FTP username and Document will automatically be added. Just go ahead and type in the security password you want to use for the domain.
- Click on Add Domain and you are done from that end.
Don’t close your control panel yet because you might be needing it to install what you want to install on that domain. These could be WordPress, swf forum or whatever scripts you want to install on that domain.
Domain Added, What Next?
Log into your domain name management settings and configure your Domain Name server to direct to your hosting account by simply inserting your web-hosting name server to your domain name-server box. When done, click on save.
You do not seem to understand that? Here, i am making reference to your domain registrar. Log into the domain management panel or settings. For example, godaddy, 1and1, namecheap et cetera.
Give it some time between 1 – 24 hours. The wait time is called propagation. Within this time it should be working fine.
To confirm, try accessing the domain name and it should display some sort of error page with a page template likened to that of the hosting you are currently using.
At this point, you should install the script you want to use on the domain. For the sake of ease, you would have to use fanastico or softaculous or WordPress Installer depending on what your web hosting company offers.
Most shared hosting account in this time and age, comes with softaculous. If however, you are not sure about how to go about this, you should reach out to your web hosting company support or reach me via the contact page.
Want to know the difference between a domain name and a web-hosting? I’d be more than happy to explain that to you using the comment session.
If you need anything else, do let me know using the comment form below.