Do you know you can get double data bundle on MTN without tweaking? Gone are the days when free browsing was in circulation. Those days, free browsing was as easy as getting a sim card, configure a browser handler and you are good to go.
As free browsing gradually faded off, Unlimited browsing came in vogue. Unlimited browsing at the time, entails you using as low as N1 airtime in starting the browsing session. The moment that starts, you can continue surfing the net for the rest of the day without being restricted. This wasn’t as fun as free browsing but, it was worth it at the time.
As that faded off, we had glo blackberry plan. Glo offered the cheapest blackberry plans at the time (glo still offers the cheapest data plans currently).
Glo BIS plans trending at the time, gave birth to Android phone IMEI tweaking. Or at least, made it famous in this part of the world. That way, an android user can subscribe to cheap blackberry data plans on glo and use the plan on their Android device without restrictions.
That soon fazed out and thereafter, some phones were configured to come with free data on some particular networks. That no longer seem to be in vogue.
Now, you can actually get double of your subscribed data on the MTN Network.
What this means is, if you subscribed to MTN’s 10GB for N5000, instead of getting 10GB data allocation, you will be given 20GB data. Cool huh?
This trick has been in existence for quite sometime now but thanks to friend (he runs, I tried the trick out and it worked.
Hence, I thought it wise to possibly share with you guys. Perhaps, this is my own way of ushering you into the new year :).
With this trick, you do not need to tweak your phone or computer. It is not restricted to a particular smartphone or device. It works on Android, iPhone, iPad and yes, the plan can be used on computer as well.
Steps To Get Double Data Bundle On MTN For Same Price
This trick involves sending a few codes. As earlier mentioned, no need to change IMEI number or anything of sort.
Go to SMS on your phone, Send the following words to 131:
- Double
- Promo
- Free
These should be sent separately. What this means is, send Double first, thereafter send Promo, then send Free.
Upon sending DOUBLE, you should receive a response stating your request has been received and is being processed. You may also receive a message stating the SMS instruction you entered is incorrect.
That shouldn’t bother you. Go ahead and send the other words to same 131.
After sending FREE to 131, you should receive a message stating ‘Dear Customer, Enjoy data offers on MTN Deal zone, dial *131*1#.
When received, you are good to go. Go ahead and subscribe to any MTN Data plan of your choice. You should receive double of the data afterwards.
How To Check The Double Data Allocated On MTN
If using *131*4# to check your MTN data balance, you won’t be able to find the double bonus plan there.
Hence, you should send 2 to 131. Look closely and you should find the additional data as bonus. The bonus will expire same day as the normal subscription ought to.
What that means is, if you subscribed to 5GB monthly plan and it’s to expire on the 31st of January, the bonus will also expire on the 31st of January. So, no need to rush.
There you have it. That’s basically how to get double data bundle on MTN. Questions? Feel free to ask.
Is it after you have loaded your data or you hv requested for your data OR on the other hand before you requested stall?
Hi Tommy,
This should be done before your next data subscription.